We will:
Continue to work on summarizing
Review and practice our decoding skills
Study Long U words (blue, few, new, clue, stew, etc.)
Work on elaborating when we write
Build, compare, deconstruct numbers using base 10 blocks
Introduce mapping
Explore vibrations and sound
Every Monday I will be sending home a homework bag for the week.
This is a way for your child to practice daily skills like handwriting, sentence construction
reading, sight words and math facts. For families that I conferenced with, these is a required
activity to get your child caught up. For those of you that I did not conference with this is
an optional but encouraged activity. Homework is done over the course of the week and
the bag returned on Monday. Children that have their yellow sheet complete will receive a
prize from the prize chest.
I’d be grateful for continued help growing our collection of items for STEM time:
toilet paper/paper towel tubes, egg cartons, duct tape, painter’s tape, popsicle sticks,
thin and short dowel rods, elmer’s glue, and pipe cleaners.
If you have any of these items we will put them to good use!
Valentine’s Day
Reminder: all our Valentine enjoyment will be done in-house. Please do not send anything in.
Snacks Needed
Children are consistently forgetting to bring two snacks or they are bringing very small
snacks and are still very hungry.
I could use some donations of large bags of pretzels, goldfish and other prepackaged
items for children to have for snack.
We celebrate the 101st Day of 1st Grade in style! This day is a big deal and falls on February 15 this year. The theme is 101 Dalmations. We will be making dalmatian shirts with 101 spots in class.
Please send a t-shirt with your Firstie that can be painted to school by February 11th. (Some children may forget so if you are willing to purchase a multi pack that would be great)
If you will not be able to send in a shirt, please let me know so that I can arrange for extras.
White short sleeve oversized undershirts work great.
We will enjoy reading the book 101 Dalmatians, fix 101 pieces of snack, and do loads of fun writing and math activities.
101st Day Snack Sign Up.
Please Click Here to provide food for our 101 pieces of snack.
Our class will attend a show at the Upton Planetarium on Thursday, February 17.
For children that are absent:
February Choice Board
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