Sunday, January 30, 2022

Week 20 - Jan 31 - Feb 4

Academic Updates
We will:
Continue to work on summarizing
Review and practice our decoding skills
Study Long U words (blue, few, new, clue, stew, etc.)
Work on elaborating when we write
Build, compare, deconstruct numbers using base 10 blocks
Introduce mapping
Explore vibrations and sound


Every Monday I will be sending home a homework bag for the week.

This is a way for your child to practice daily skills like handwriting, sentence construction

reading, sight words and math facts. For families that I conferenced with, these is a required

activity to get your child caught up. For those of you that I did not conference with this is

an optional but encouraged activity. Homework is done over the course of the week and

the bag returned on Monday. Children that have their yellow sheet complete will receive a

prize from the prize chest.


I’d be grateful for continued help growing our collection of items for STEM time:

toilet paper/paper towel tubes, egg cartons, duct tape, painter’s tape, popsicle sticks,

thin and short dowel rods, elmer’s glue, and pipe cleaners.

If you have any of these items we will put them to good use!

Valentine’s Day

Reminder: all our Valentine enjoyment will be done in-house.  Please do not send anything in.

Snacks Needed

Children are consistently forgetting to bring two snacks or they are bringing very small

snacks and are still very hungry.

I could use some donations of large bags of pretzels, goldfish and other prepackaged

items for children to have for snack.

We celebrate the 101st Day of 1st Grade in style! This day is a big deal and falls on February 15 this year.  The theme is 101 Dalmations.  We will be making dalmatian shirts with 101 spots in class. 

Please send a t-shirt with your Firstie that can be painted to school by February 11th. (Some children may forget so if you are willing to purchase a multi pack that would be great)

If you will not be able to send in a shirt, please let me know so that I can arrange for extras.

White short sleeve oversized undershirts work great.

We will enjoy reading the book 101 Dalmatians, fix 101 pieces of snack, and do loads of fun writing and math activities. 

101st Day Snack Sign Up.

Please Click Here to provide food for our 101 pieces of snack.


Our class will attend a show at the Upton Planetarium on Thursday, February 17. 

For children that are absent:

February Choice Board

Meet the Author of Click Clack Moo,

Betsy Lewin

Read for 20 minutes

Spend some time reading some

silly poems on Fizzy Fuzzy Funny

Work on Seesaw assignments

Play a board game.

Have a family member name a

number.  Tell them 10 more/less

and 1 more/less for each number

they say.

Make a map of a room in your house and label everything in it. 

Go to Wixie and make some exciting

Valentines for your family! 

Organize your toys or do a chore

for your family. 

Write about what you did.

Give this a try: Beaver Coding

Make a list of everything in your

refrigerator.  Put the words in ABC


Write and illustrate a story. 

Make the setting your home and

a family member or pet the main


Practice addition and subtraction


Spend 15 minutes on Lexia.

Check out Math World! Choose the level you’d like to

work on. 

Week 19 - Jan 24-28

Academic Updates
We will:
Count large collections of objects
Add and subtract 10s
Study Long E words (speak, tree, please, beak, etc)
Summarize text
Read fairy tales


I’d be grateful for continued help growing our collection of items for STEM time: toilet paper/paper towel tubes, egg cartons, duct tape, painter’s tape, popsicle sticks, thin and short dowel rods, and pipe cleaners. If you have any of these items laying around we will put them to good use!

Half Days

We have half days on Thursday and Friday.  Enjoy your afternoons!


Students have been going through a lot of masks lately.  I think they’re easier to misplace since there are so many other things to keep track of this time of year. If possible, please be sure your child has extras in his or her backpack. 

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in 1st grade is very low-key, but we do celebrate! We make our Valentines in class, so please DO NOT have your child prepare them at home.  We will have hot chocolate, festive cookies, exchange 

Valentines, and watch a movie.  This is for students only.

101st Day

We celebrate the 101st Day of 1st Grade in style! This day is a big deal and falls on February 15 this year.  The theme is 101 Dalmations.  We will be making dalmatian shirts with 101 spots in class.  Please send a t-shirt with your Firstie that can be painted to school by February 11th.  If you will not be able to do so, please let me know so that I can arrange for extras. White short sleeve undershirts work great. We will enjoy reading the book 101 Dalmatians, fix 101 pieces of snack, and do loads of fun writing and math activities. 


Our class will attend a show at the Upton Planetarium on Tuesday, February 17. (February 17 is going to be one amazing day!!) This is for students only. 

Week 18 Jan 17-21

January 17-21

Academic Updates

We will:

  • Do lots of subtraction!

  • Use 10s to subtract

  • Relate counting to addition and subtraction

  • Read and write long i patterns (sight, bike, kite, fight, etc.)

  • Practice making inferences 

  • More editing

  • Learn about perseverance


Students having been going through a lot of masks lately.  I think they’re easier to misplace since there are so many other things to keep track of this time of year. If possible, please be sure your child has extras in his or her backpack. 


Our next round of conferences will be on January 27th.  If you have not received an note from me requesting a conference I do not feel that one is needed for your child at this time.  If you would like to discuss your child’s progress I am happy to do so.  Please email me and we will set it up!

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in 1st grade is very low-key, but we do celebrate! We make our Valentines in class, so please DO NOT have your child prepare them at home.  We will have hot chocolate, festive cookies, exchange 

Valentines, and watch a movie.  This is for students only.

101st Day

We celebrate the 101st Day of 1st Grade in style! This day is a big deal and falls on February 15 this year.  The theme is 101 Dalmations.  We will be making dalmatian shirts with 101 spots in class.  Please send a t-shirt with your Firstie that can be painted to school by February 11th.  If you will not be able to do so, please let me know so that I can arrange for extras. White short sleeve undershirts work great. We will enjoy reading the book 101 Dalmatians, fix 101 pieces of snack, and do loads of fun writing and math activities. 


Our class will attend a show at the Upton Planetarium on Thursday, February 17. (February 17 is going to be one amazing day!!) This is for students only. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Week 17 - Jan 10-14

I hope everybody enjoyed their snow day!!

We have a number of exciting things coming up. 

Please read on for details!

Important Dates

Wed Jan 12th - NWEA Math

Thurs, Jan 13th - NWEA Reading

Mon. Jan 17th - No School - MLK Day

Jan 17-19 - Hearing and Vision Screening

Thurs Jan 27-28th - PT Conferences 1/2 days

PT Conferences

Our next round of conferences will be on January 27th. These conferences are meant to address students that are struggling academically at the current time.  I will be sending out an note with a form to sign up for a time.

Academic Updates

We will:

  • Subtract from teen numbers

  • Use 10s to subtract

  • Relate counting to addition and subtraction

  • Read and write long 0 patterns (note, home, roam, cold, cloak, joke, etc.)

  • Share opinions

  • Tell the difference between facts and opinions

  • Practice editing

  • Continue learning about penguins

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in 1st grade is very low-key, but we do celebrate! We make our Valentines in class, so please DO NOT have your child prepare them at home.  We will have hot chocolate, festive cookies, exchange Valentines, and watch a movie.  This is for students only.

101st Day

We celebrate the 101st Day of 1st Grade in style! This day is a big deal and falls on February 15 this year.  The theme is 101 Dalmations.  We will be making dalmatian shirts with 101 spots in class.  Please send a t-shirt with your Firstie that can be painted to school by February 11th.  If you will not be able to do so, please let me know so that I can arrange for extras. White short sleeve undershirts work great. We will enjoy reading the book 101 Dalmatians, fix 101 pieces of snack, and do loads of fun writing and math activities. 


Our class will attend a show at the Upton Planetarium on Thursday, February 17. (February 17 is going to be one amazing day!!) This is for students only. 

What to do if your child is quarantining or sick

If your child will be home for covid quarantines or any other reason, please let me know.  I appreciate knowing when I will have students absent. If your child is well enough to participate in school he or she can:

  •  Join our daily Morning Meeting at 9 am/ 10 on Wed using this link: click here

  • Listen to some of our classroom read alouds

  • Keep a journal with these journal prompts in a notebook at home. Journal prompts

  • Work on the digital choice board below

January Digital Choice Board 



Phonics/Sight words


Week 1

January 3-7

Subtraction Practice

Listen to Owl Moon.

Draw and write about your favorite part.

Sneaky E to make Long A


Week 2

January 10-14

Animal Weight Problems

The Koala who Could

Sight Words

San Diego Zoo Koala Cam

Week 3

January 17-21

Place Value Check-in

Open a Wixie page.  Draw a picture and write about it.

Sneaky E Sort

Sneaky E practice

Mindfulness: Thoughts and Feelings

Week 4

January 24-28

Money Exchange

Grab some small items in your home to make a store with. Price all your items $1 or less.  Have a family member come shop. Practice exchanging money. 

Go on a hunt around your house.  Make a list of as many nouns as you can find.

Sight Word Reading

Noun Song

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Week 16 Jan 3-7, 2022

Welcome Back!
This is the time of year when the magic happens in First Grade!
It is amazing to see all the learning that occurs during the
winter months. We have a lot of exciting things to learn,
do, and experience this month!

Winter Gear
 It would be very helpful if you could please label your
student’s gear.  It also helps quite a lot to have large reusable
shopping bags to store snow pants, hats, and gloves throughout
the day. 

Academic Updates
We will:
Solve story problems with 3 addends
Add three numbers by making a ten
Consider strategies for adding within 20
Study Long A patterns
Do a variety of quick writes and learn about editing 
Learn about penguins as we celebrate National Bird Day
Enjoy STEM time
Dig in to Jan Brett’s, The Mitten 
Practice using verbs
Begin reading Mr. Popper’s Penguins

What to do if your child is quarantining or sick

If your child will be home for covid quarantines or any other reason,

please let me know. 

I appreciate knowing when I will have students absent.

If your child is well enough to participate in school he or she can: 

  •  Join our daily Morning Meeting at 9 am/ 10 on Wed using this link: click here

  • Listen to some of our classroom read alouds
  • Keep a daily journal using these prompts - Journal Week 16

  • Online learning may be accessed from SJPS Symboloo link

  • Explore the digital choice board.

January Digital Choice Board 



Phonics/Sight words


Week 1



Subtraction Practice

Listen to Owl Moon.

Draw and write about your favorite part.

Sneaky E to make Long A


Week 2

January 10-14

Animal Weight Problems

The Koala who Could

Sight Words

San Diego Zoo Koala Cam

Week 3

January 17-21

Place Value Check-in

Open a Wixie page.  Draw a picture and write about it.

Sneaky E Sort

Sneaky E practice

Mindfulness: Thoughts and Feelings

Week 4

January 24-28

Money Exchange

Grab some small items in your home to make a store with. Price all your items $1 or less.  Have a family member come shop. Practice exchanging money. 

Go on a hunt around your house.  Make a list of as many nouns as you can find.

Sight Word Reading

Noun Song

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Sign Up with the links  Friday May 20th - Tye-Dyeing 1:20 - 3:20