Monday, September 27, 2021

Back To School Slides


                                                          Back to school Slides

Student of the week Sample Letter

Every child will have a chance to be student of the week at some point in the school calendar. 

Selection is random and I will email you on the Thursday before to let you know that your child will be next.

Student of the Week

Congratulations! You are the Student  of the Week! You will be our line leader and in charge of other special jobs throughout the next week.  Please complete your poster this weekend!


Poster reveal.


Bring your favorite book to class and Mrs. Confer will read it aloud.


Parent Letter: Parents, please write a letter to the class describing how your child is a super star at home.  This could be about a time your child showed responsibility, respect, or safety. This might also be a story about a special trip or any special jobs your child does at home.


Show us your talent!  What is something cool you can do? (A cartwheel, karate kick, sing a song, speak a different language, etc.)


Show and Tell and a special snack for the class  if they wish.

( 23 students and we are peanut free)

Thanks for being great and enjoy your special week!

Mrs Confer

WEEK 4 September 27 - October 1

This Week at Lincoln School

9/27     P2 Character Strength: Open-Mindedness
             Happy Birthday to Johnny Appleseed

9/29     Late Start Day (doors open at 9:20 a.m.
            Pictures for SJVS students from 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. at Brown School

10/1    Last day for Laps Donations - $30 per student family goal
        School Custodian Day! 
Thank you, Mr. Eric & Mr. Andrew!
Laps for Lincoln Celebration 5:00-7:00pm 
on the playground - Details HERE

Coming Up...

10/4     P2 Character Strength: Being Present & Giving Others My Attention

10/6     Count Day


We are wrapping up our NWEA testing this week and are settling into our normal schedule. This week we will continue to extend our stamina in reading plus add in the next component of our Daily 5 routines--Word Work.  We’ve been working on understanding an author’s purpose as well as determining the main idea and supporting details of a text. This is an exciting week in phonics as we begin our study of digraphs.  This week we will unlock the sh and ch sounds.  We are studying addition and subtraction within 20 and working on how we do math centers independently. In Science we will begin our study called “Spinning Sky.”  We will learn about shadows and the sun’s movement this week. Hopefully the sun will shine! Our concept this week for the Positivity Project is Open-Mindedness


Computers will be coming home soon.  We have held off in order to be sure the children can login independently and navigate to at least a few of our learning sites without assistance.  When they come home, please charge them every night and keep track of the charging cords.  I do not have many spares in the classroom, so it is critical that devices come to school charged.  

Ask Your Firstie about….

  • Teamwork activities we tried

  • Read to Someone

  • The short vowel sounds

Field Trips

*We will go on field trips this year and are collecting field trip money again. We ask for $5 per student or $10 per family (max). We would prefer to have families pay this fee using RevTrack. The link can be found here.


Student Illness Guidance
Because we are in the "high" transmission level in the county at this time, students exhibiting symptoms which are strong indicators of COVID-19 (temperature over 100.4 or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose/congestion, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, vomiting and/or diarrhea, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell) must stay home for 10 days, unless a negative COVID-19 test result or a doctor’s note stating the student may return to school is provided to school authorities.

This information, as well as additional guidance, can be located on the COVID-19 Tab on our District website. 

LAPS 4 LINCOLN - $30 per student goal

Laps for Lincoln - Message from our PTO

 Dear Lincoln Families,

Thank you for your generosity and support for our Laps for Lincoln Fundraiser.  

We are looking forward to celebrating with all of you next Friday, October 1st from 5-7pm 

on the Lincoln playground.  Dinner for the event is now being generously donated and 

prepared by Chef Nick Geaney.  There will be no charge for dinner, however donations

 are welcomed.  Dinner is on a first-come first-serve basis so come early and enjoy some

 incredible food before it's gone!  Feel free to bring picnic blankets or chairs and we can 

enjoy dinner on the lawn.  We will also have free face painting, desserts, and 

awards…it’s guaranteed to be a special Lincoln event you won’t want to miss.

We have three more collection days next week and students will continue to earn charms
 for good behavior.  Here is the online link if you’d like to share with out-of-town family
 and friends:

(Click "Lincoln Elementary", then "PTO", then "Fundraisers", and 
then choose from either a business donation or individual donation
 from left-hand side of screen)

We are also looking for a few volunteers to help our Laps Celebration run smoothly.  
Please click on the link below to find out more:

Thank you for your continued support of our incredible school.

Your Lincoln School PTO

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Week 2 - Sept 13-17

Confer Specials




Tuesday 9-14


Wednesday 9-15

Late Start

Thursday 9-16





Academic Updates

This week we will continue to learn procedures and routines to help make our year

run smoothly.We will begin to learn what Daily 5 looks like in 1st grade as well as math centers and

ways to be independent.


  • We have two snacks daily.  It is expected that students bring their own.  

  • It’s going to be hot this week.  Please be sure your child has a water bottle. 

If, at any time, you want to contribute to our classroom,

here are a few items on my wishlist .

Birthday Treats

If your child has a birthday during this school year, they are welcome to send in a prepackaged birthday treat to share with our class. We typically celebrate summer birthdays in June, but occasionally parents request to bring something on a half birthday instead.



Mr. Hubble will send a weekly blog post each week with a link to my blog.  Please be sure to check this. I will include news of upcoming events and details about what we're learning in the classroom. The blog will be your primary news-getting source.  Most days your child will bring home a folder containing any work samples, notes, or additional communication from the school.  Please return this folder each day. Email is the best way to reach me, but you are also welcome to send a note or call the school.  My email address is

Water and Snacks

Please send two healthy snacks for your child each day as well as a water bottle. Please do not send candy or soda.  I do have treats on occasion for the children. If your child has an allergy or sensitivity please be sure to communicate that to the office and to me directly.

Classroom Donations 

Crayola crayons

Disinfectant Wipes 

Black Dry Erase Markers 


I am thrilled to be able to welcome parent volunteers again this year! I will have more information about this at our Back to School Night.


Yes, we will be wearing masks all day.  There will be opportunities for breaks.  Please have your child keep extra masks in his or her backpack--they can get pretty gross throughout the day.


Please monitor your child and be diligent about keeping him/her home when warranted by symptoms. 


We will have recess three times each day as long as it's not raining, storming, or below 10 degrees. We will also take walks, and head outside to read as much as possible.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

It feels so good to be back!

Thank you to all that were able to make it to the ice cream social.  I really enjoyed seeing all of your happy and excited smiles.

If you were not able to make it, I am excited to see each of you on Tuesdays morning.

Reminders:   Your child will need a water bottle and 2 snacks for each day.
They will also need a pair of headphones labeled with their name that can stay at school.

Please send your child with a full sized backpack labeled with their name.  Remind your children that toys, beauty products, phones, jewelry etc.  should stay at home.  Backpacks are for school work items only.  If your child is nervous and really needs a security item, please contact me separately to discuss.

Please drop off (8:25)and pick up (3:50) your child at the backdoor to the school building on Cole.  

I can be contacted by text on my personal phone - 773-968-9657 or email me at

Phone messages during the day should be directed to Janet Trumbley in the Office and she will get the message to me.

I am honored and excited to be your child's teacher.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Sign Up with the links  Friday May 20th - Tye-Dyeing 1:20 - 3:20